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2018 Merrimon Widening Comment Database

Nancy: There are other suitable, alternate plans that would be much more in line with the needs of the local residents and community

From: Nancy Flippin and Mindy Allen
Date: Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 12:10 PM
Subject: Proposed changes to Merrimon Ave

I am writing to voice my concerns regarding the proposed changes to North Merrimon.  After reviewing the proposal by DOT and comparing that to other alternatives, I am NOT in favor of the DOT plan for the following reasons:

  • the plan does not take into consideration local context and plans
  • the plan does not provide any real proof of need for this type of plan
  • the plan does not take into consideration the need for safe design for non-motorized users which should be of primary concern
  • no alternative proven designs were considered or presented
There are other suitable, alternate plans that would be much more in line with the needs of the local residents and community
Merrimon does not need to be “high” speed throughput corridor.  It makes much more sense for Merrimon to be a “complete” street which provides for vehicular as well as non-motorized traffic and is much more consistent with being part of a neighborhood rather than a highway.  There are other alternatives to connecting Clearview Terrace that make much more sense that what DOT is proposing.  Additionally, the DOT plan does not provide any connection to the Greenway even though we are being taxed to pay for this.
Some of the slow downs and issues on Merrimon could be mitigated by installing turn signals at WT Weaver and at Edgewood–this seems to me to be a “no brainer” to assist with traffic flow.
The roads of Asheville need to be designed to meet the needs of the residents first and foremost rather than being speedways for cars.
Nancy Flippin