Calendar of Events

Come ride with us! Our events are famously fun. Seriously: Relationships have blossomed, smiles have spread, homes have been found, new low traffic routes discovered, infrastructure has been planned – and of course, bikes have been ridden. Most events are free and open to anyone interested (we’ll say so if it’s a closed event or if there’s a fee).

Annual Events

Our annual events are fun and easy.* Mark your calendars to join us for the next one!

JANUrban Scrawl
FEBBike Love
MARRitual Mountain Bike Film Tour
APRSpring Out
Pedal Stroke Benefit Concert
MAYStrive Not To Drive Week
JULBike Fest & Gran Fondo AVL
Bicycle Film Festival
AUGSummer Cycle
SEPThe Fall Out
I9PA Release Party
OCTTour de Fat
Pumpkin Pedaller
NOVRide Your City
DECRide Your City
Button Up for Bikes
Bright Light Biker

Ongoing & Occasional Events

Check out our calendar for more times to ride together!

Thank you Asheville on Bikes Event Sponsors!

*With the exception for the time we made you ride up to Helen’s bridge on Beaucatcher. But later that seemed fun too! Our rides often feature multiple route choices, so there is something for everyone. Hat tip to whoever that was pulling the kid in the trailer up to Helen’s bridge.