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2018 Merrimon Widening Comment Database

Coalter: The main problem is not the inconvenience or travel times of motorists, it is cyclist and pedestrian safety

From: Coalter Lathrop
Date: Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 11:18 AM
Subject: opposed to Merrimon Ave project

Dear Mr. Clark,

I sent the email copied below to Kim Bereis. The Citizen Times indicates that you are the correct person within NCDOT to contact regarding the ill-conceived Merrimon Avenue widening project.
I have not heard back from Ms Bereis.
I do hope that you will acknowledge your receipt of this email.
Best regards,
Coalter Lathrop

Dear Ms. Bereis,

I write as a motorist, cyclist and pedestrian who lives one block off Merrimon Avenue and who uses it throughout each day to travel to and from my home and to access businesses along Merrimon. I also write as a parent of two Asheville City School students who must cross Merrimon every day to access their school bus.
I oppose the NCDOT proposed widening of Merrimon Avenue. The main problem is not the inconvenience or travel times of motorists, it is cyclist and pedestrian safety for those citizens as they travel across and along Merrimon Avenue.
If there is to be any widening of this important transportation corridor, it should be dedicated to increasing the infrastructure for bikes and walkers.
That could include, among other things:
bicycle lanes in both directions (or a single widened lane for car and bicycle travel in each direction with one center turn lane);
raised crosswalks with pedestrian refuges and signage at all cross streets;
medians between sidewalks and car travel lanes;
reduced speed limits for cars.
Slower car speeds will be better for all users and neighbors of Merrimon Avenue.
I urge you to reconsider the poorly-conceived Merrimon Ave widening.
Best regards,
Coalter Lathrop