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2018 Merrimon Widening Comment Database

Emily: I am writing to echo the sentiments of so many other Asheville residents who do not support the current plan

From: Emily Muscarella
Date: Mon, Jan 29, 2018 at 3:55 PM
Subject: Merrimon Ave, Asheville. YOU CAN DO BETTER

I am writing to echo the sentiments of so many other Asheville residents who do not support the current plan for changing the Merrimon Ave corridor.

We are a community that values active transportation and SAFETY on our roadways. Increasing the speed and adding a turning lane does not move us toward our goals, but further away. The current plan does not include adequate infrastructure for pedestrians or cyclists or anyone who is not able bodied to move safely.

I am continually disappointed by NCDOT division 13’s performance and lack of collaboration with Asheville’s elected city officials, staff and residents with regard to the roads that we use everyday. In this particular instance, the fact that NCDOT has ignored its own  Complete Streets guidelines as well as the City of Asheville Bicycle Comprehensive plan, that there was no alternate plans  presented, no collaboration with city officials or neighborhoods nor does the design adhere to federal design standards (AASHTO) makes this plan particularly disgusting.

We want safe roads with the focus on moving all people, all modes!    I strongly encourage you to listen to the voice of the Asheville community and go back to the drawing board on the Merrimon Ave re-design, and invite input from the people who have the most at stake, who’s neighborhoods and safety you so profoundly impact with your decisions.

Emily Muscarella
Asheville resident