TO: Asheville City Council
FROM: Mike Sule on behalf of Asheville on Bikes
Dear City Council,
Joel Burgess’s recent article in the Asheville Citizen Times, “Asheville, one of worst cities for crashes, looks for fixes,” coupled by the most recent hit-and-run incident which resulted in the death of Bradley Christopher Barnes, highlights our community’s ongoing struggle to provide safe transportation facilities.
Asheville on Bikes supports the establishment of “an equity based Vision Zero Task Force,” referenced in Burgess’s article, and encourages city council to approve the Street Tweaks Team tactical urbanism project slated for Coxe Ave., which is on the agenda for the Oct. 9,
2018, meeting.
AoB stands firm in its commitment to establishing a safe and robust active transportation network in the City of Asheville. Through the Street Tweaks partnership with AARP and Blue Ridge Bicycle Club, we’re demonstrating that our community is prepared and equipped to take innovative steps to improve access and mobility for all residents and visitors. As AoB continues to grow we are eager to partner with the City of Asheville, North Carolina Department of Transportation, and community stakeholders to improve our transportation network
Furthermore, AoB encourages city council to institute the following recommendations to advance the establishment of safe streets:
- Formally adopt National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) standards, which have already been endorsed by both the city’s Bicycle / Pedestrian Task Force and Multi-Modal Transportation Commission.
- Develop and adopt a tactical urbanism policy and permit process so that community members are empowered to build and test active transportation facilities.
- Make it City policy that all transportation-related requests for qualifications (RFQ) and requests for proposals (RFP) include a request for Complete Street and NACTO design experience.
Asheville on Bikes is a committed partner in improving our transportation systems. We look forward to working more closely with the city in addressing our transportation needs.
Asheville on Bikes