Volunteer Opportunities

Are You a Bike Advocate?

Filled with bike love and ready to share? Two opportunities for you to make a difference in your community, one tonight and one longer-term:

1. Attend tonight’s meeting on the proposed I-26 alternatives. Speak up for bike/ped accommodations.

2. French Broad River MPO staff are soliciting members for the FBRMPO Citizens Advisory Committee to serve for the duration of the Long-Range Transportation Plan update for the next 1.5 years. From Jim Barton on Facebook, 2/25/14:

“We are hoping for a wide diversity of backgrounds and opinions to be represented on the CAC. The Long Range Transportation Plan will create a regional transportation vision for the next 25 years, to include roadway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian and freight improvements. The CAC applications are due to mpo@landofsky.org by March 7, 2014. Application form attached or available online here. 

The application includes a request for a letter of recommendation from a Chair or a Vice-Chair of the community group or organization in which the applicant is currently involved
[like….AOB.]. Please let us know if this requirement poses an issue.

The French Broad River MPO is a partnership between local and state government that makes decisions about transportation planning in urbanized areas and meets planning requirements established by federal authorizing legislation for transportation funding. Local governments belonging to the MPO are Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania Counties, and Asheville, Biltmore Forest, Black Mountain, Canton, Clyde, Flat Rock, Fletcher, Hendersonville, Laurel Park, Maggie Valley, Mars Hill, Mills River, Montreat, Waynesville, Weaverville, and Woodfin. Additional info at www.fbrmpo.org andhttp://www.fbrmpo.org/getinvolved-2/

The purpose of the Citizens Advisory Committee will be to provide input and advise to the MPO Technical Coordinating Committee and MPO Board as they go through the Long-Range Transportation Plan update for the region during the timeframe of May 2014-September 2015. MPO staff are expecting to hold monthly or bi-monthly meetings of the committee to help review the Vision, Goals and Objectives, performance measures and project selection strategies. 

The meetings will be scheduled on a weekday late afternoon or evening, likely from 4 PM-6 PM or from 5 PM-7 PM. Meeting locations to be determined—Land-of-Sky offices on Leicester Highway are served by Asheville Transit; alternative meeting locations can also be considered once we have the members assembled. Consistent participation will be needed for best outcomes.”

You show, we grow. Now, let’s roll!