The City of Asheville released a public survey for more input regarding the College/Patton Complete Street Project. The survey will be open until Tuesday, June 5, 2023. Asheville on Bikes encourages you to read our guidance and then respond to the survey.
Your response to this survey sends a clear message to City leadership that you value and support continued investment in streets that prioritize the safe and predictable movement of people in a variety of ways.
Survey Guidance
To help you provide useful input, AoB has created a survey guidance document to maximize support for the project. Please take the survey and share our guidance throughout your circles. Together, we can advance complete streets in Asheville.
Questions 1 – 3
Answer these questions based on your experience in the corridor
Question 4
Choose “I am interested but concerned.” This option acknowledges the potential for people to choose biking when safe and predictable facilities are installed. Consider how the Wilma Dykeman Greenway has made biking and walking in the River Arts District more popular. “Interested but concerned” is the “build it and they will come” option.

Question 5
Rank following option as the most important to you regarding the College/Patton corridor:
- Bicycle accommodations
- Pedestrian accommodations
- Traffic calming to curb vehicular speeds

Question 6
Include “I visit shops, businesses, entertainment venues and/or dining establishments on or near this section of College St and/or Patton Ave,” in one of your three options. This is important because it shows that people on bikes want to connect with everything downtown Asheville has to offer. We’re not just riding through our City, we’re riding into it.

Question 7
Include “Lack of dedicated bicycle facilities,” and “Hard to safely cross the street as a pedestrian,” in your selection because this project serves the needs of our pedestrians, too. It provides buffered bike lanes, improves pedestrian sight lines at crosswalks, and calms traffic.

Question 8
In this prompt for an explanation of your responses let the City of Asheville know that you appreciate ongoing investment in active transportation and complete streets.
Don’t leave it blank. Use the prompt as an opportunity to support multi-modal investments. A few ideas include:
- I applaud the City of Asheville’s commitment to advancing safe and predictable conditions for all road users on our public rights of way.
- My family and I use an e-cargo bike, this project welcomes us downtown and enables us to leave the car at home.
- Asheville’s Comprehensive and Close the GAP plans both outline the need to invest in multi-modal infrastructure. The College/Patton project is another step toward establishing a robust active transportation network.
Questions 9 – 15
Answer these questions as they relate to you.
Thank you for taking the survey and supporting this project. Please share our survey guidance within and throughout your circles.
Want to learn more?
Read AoB executive director’s open letter to the City of Asheville’s Downtown Commission in Support of the College Patton Project in our past blog. You can learn about the reasons we support this project and studies that show the economic impact of projects similar to College/Patton:
- https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01441647.2021.1912849
- https://www.peopleforbikes.org/statistics/economic
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-08/for-store-owners-bike-lanes-boost-the-bottom-line
- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200422151318.htm
- https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/biking-lanes-business-health-1.5165954
- https://www.ibigroup.com/ibi-insights/bike-lanes-good-small-business/