Tell us something about your transportation habits. How do you get around Asheville?
I run with my dog, walk with my wife and drive with my Subaru.
What do you consider to be the most significant transportation advancement in Asheville and what impact does it have on our community?
Preservation of our public transit system in the face of a parade of hurdles – including administrative inefficiencies, funding constraints, density limitations, underutilization, decreasing fuel costs and citizen preference for POV’s over mass transit.
Please identify one way in which you’ve worked to make Asheville safer for pedestrians, transit users, and / or cyclists. What did you learn from this experience?
While as sitting member of Asheville’s Council – I created, acquired approval, secured donations and volunteers, developed a design, put my hands to, and otherwise implemented and managed the Top-A-Stop bus shelter program. The goal was 50 shelters – reached 55.
What do you consider to be Asheville’s primary transportation challenge and how do you propose to fix it?
Completing the I-240 connector on a timely, affordable, doable, functional, and attractive basis. Keeping my focus on juggling each of those goals in balanced fashion.