As of 7/17/2020 we’ve had 261 signatories to our “Pledge of Support for Changes to our Streets.” These signers include businesses, organizations, and individuals. Of the 261, 226 have permitted us to publish their pledge, and a selection of those is listed below.
Organizations: 8
Businesses: 34
Individuals: 220
Is your name on the list below? Is your organization or business? Why not? It’s time to sign, and it is time to collectively advocate for more changes to our streets before more people get sick and more businesses fail. Click here to sign the pledge.
While we are all in this pandemic together, it is not true that we must all suffer the same consequences from the pandemic. Some cities will emerge stronger; some will suffer more than their fair share of grief, hurt, and loss. Signing this pledge is a clear vote from you, expressing that Asheville does not have to suffer the maximum consequences from the pandemic.
“The hope that we can motivate the City of Asheville and DOT to allow for reconfiguration and re-imagining or our transportation infrastructure to allow businesses to reopen with appropriate safety and health guidelines, with considerations for expansion of much-needed pedestrian and cycling infrastructure in our city.” – Signed, Stephen Pierson
Click here to sign the pledge and add your name to the list.
Organizations who support changes to our streets:
AARP, Mountain Region, NC
Connect Buncombe
Bicycle Benefits
Asheville Grown Business Alliance
Asheville GreenWorks
East-West Asheville Neighborhood Association (EWANA)
Democracy Rules 4 Senior Suffrage
Mountain True
“We encourage exploring options to help local businesses remain in business through the COVID-19 crisis and keep their employees and customers as safe as possible. We appreciate Asheville on Bikes’ help with creative solutions.” Signed, Franzi Charen, Asheville Grown Business Alliance
Businesses who support changes to our streets:
Liberty Bicycles, Inc.
Jargon Restaurant
CAKE Websites and More, LLC
Instant Karma
Outfitter Bicycle Tours
IP Strategies, P.C.
The Flying Bike
Hip Replacements
Wishbone Tiny Homes
COAST Brewing Company
Hornaday Design
New Belgium Brewing
Benji Burrell LLC
Asheville Bike Company
Turnkey Managers
Industry Nine Componentry
The Market Place Restaurant
Creative Hub Studios
Second Gear
Embellish Asheville
John Hornsby Creative
Trillium Family Medicine
Crucible Bar
Proxy Home Watch
Warren Cycling LLC
Paul Taylor Sandals and Adorn Salon
Mary Weber Landscape Architect
“Shared streets will help to activate positive commerce in the midst of this pandemic and in the future will provide a more engaged neighborhood, a more active and beautiful streetscape, and a busy downtown Asheville that gives the right of way and safety to the needs of our locals, tourists, and pedestrians.” William Dissen, Chef and Owner, The Marketplace
Individuals who support changes to our streets:
Aaron Vaughan
Abby Walker
Alex Stevens
Allison Glackin
Allison Mangkang
Amanda Lavallee
Amanda Wilde
Amy Brooks
Amy Hornaday
Andrew Clum
Andrew Harris
Andrew Massey
Andy Paul
Andy Preston
Anna Pizzo
Annie Butzner
Annie Clingenpeel
Arthur McLean
Ashlee Lafferty
Austin Walker
Ava Carr
Barb Skupien
Beatrice Nathan
Ben Brown
Benji Burrell
Bess Baird
Bethany Malley Wijesinghe
Brandon Skupski
Brian Habel
Brian O’Donnell
Brooke Heaton
Bryan Overcarsh
Carol Kaufman
Carolina McCready
Cate Brandt Ryba
Cathy Williams
Chafin Rhyne
Chris Cabral
Chris Schmidt
Claire Siegel
Clark Mackey
Conway Weary
Coral Woods
Craig Friedrich
Dan Fisher
Dan Glidden
Daniel Manget
Danise Hauser
David E. Bendel
David Schroeder
Dawn Chavez
Deborah Compton
Deborah K. Inaba
Debra Layne
Douglas Engle
Ed Broadbear
Elisa Roberts
Ellen Szedon
Ellison Smith
Emery Fischer-Schmidt
Emily Kujawa
Emily Muscarella
Emma Hutchens
Ernie Boyd
Estelle Woodward Arnal
Franzi Charen
Garvin Deters
Gen Kogure
Georgeanna Connors
Han Winogrond
Heath Dotson
Helen Hyatt
Ian Canary-King
Ian Cannon
Ian Klepetar
Isaac Pino
Jackie Rees
Jacob McGahey
Jacqueline Pauley
Jaime Tenny
James Dunton
Jamie Gilpin
Jan Sturgis
Jan Wencel
Jay Dore
Jeff Sawdy
Jen Chandlee
Jennie Rhyne
Jennifer Arellano
Jenny Fares
Jeremy Marcus
Jill Huebner
Jim DeGrave
Jim Grode
Joanne Stephenson
Jocelyn Hayes
John Hornsby
Joseph Minicozzi
Josh Baker
Joy Cadelina
Judith Chitwood
Julia Furdyna
Julie Stehling
Justin Landry
Katherine Thiel
Kim Mosteller
Kim Roe
Kim Roney
Krista Stearns
Larissa Bowman
Laura F. Richardson
Leah Cooper
Lee Seabrook
Lesa Peterson
Linda Giltz
Linda Tsan
Lindsay Broughel
Lindsey Prather
Lisa Swaim
Lisa-Gaye Hall
Mackenzie Kramer
Maggie Barry
Maggie Carnevale
Maggie Waddoups
Marcia Schroeder
Margaret Dahm
Marie-Louise Murphy
Mark Cobb
Mark McNeill MD
Matt Logan
Melissa Hicks
Meredith Singer
Michael Craft
Michael Stratton
Michele Bryan
Michelle Conklin
Michelle Pugliese
Mike and Claudia Nix
Mike Edwards
Nanci Mackey
Nancy Fitzpatrick
Natalie Arkfeld
Nathan Boniske
Nelle Gregory
Nick Kroncke
Nona Martin Atuck
Parker Sloan
Patricia Robbins
Patrick Conant
Paul Reeves
Peter Billingsley
Peter Shoemaker
Pierce Holloway
Rachelle Sorensen-Cox
Rebecca Chaplin
Rebecca Cramer
Rebecca Falls
Redus Brooks
Rhonda Egerton
Robert McAtee
Rod Baird
Ron Ogle
Russ Towers
Sam Hollis
Sara Alford
Sarah Brown
Sarah Dearing Davis
Sarah Haske
Sarah Thomas
Sean Piper
Serge Reinert
Shawndra Russell
Shelley McNeill
Simone Seitz
Sophie Mullinax
Stephen Edge
Stephen Pierson
Steve Eisenstein
Susan Casar
Susan Loftis
Suzanne Sule
Teal Brown
Thomas Champagne
Thomas Hinton
Tim Spira
Timothy Seneker
Timothy Spira
Tom Byers
Tom Piccirilli
Tony Hauser
Torin Kexel
Trevor Gwillim
Tyler Davis
Valerie L Martin
Vann Jennings
Veronica Crane-Lindsey
Veronika Gunter
Vicki Meath
Victoria Solbert
Wesley Gibson
William Armshaw
William Dissen
William Miller
“We are relocating to Asheville in August. I support slow streets and those designed for multiple mobility options. During COVID we need to redesign our community streets to allow for active mobility and for social distancing while supporting our local shops and restaurants.” Signed, Maggie Waddoups
“Virus is a present threat and will be here until there’s a vaccination. Let’s keep our downtown vibrant by providing spaces for pedestrians and non-motorized transportation.” Signed, Bess Baird
“Improved access to safe bike-able and walk-able streets leads to better health and a better quality of life.” Signed, Mark McNeill MD, Trillium Family Medicine
“As we live and age, the need for physical activity and social connectivity become increasingly important. Older adults in our community need safe, physically distant places to see others, feel a part of the community and maintain physical activity.“ Signed, Rebecca Chaplin, Associate State Director, AARP, Mountain Region, NC
Click here to sign the pledge and add your name to the list.