We received 140 comments; 139 opposed, 1 in favor, and 95 of those people gave us specific permission to publish their comments here. Enjoy!
Thanks to a public records request, we also know that NCDOT received 418 comments about this project in total, 80% of which were opposed.
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Joe ',
'last_name' => 'Ebel',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '45 King St',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => '"We would appreciate a reduction in the speed limit on Merrimon Avenue!
Please consider the wishes of those that live in the area affected..."',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
"We would appreciate a reduction in the speed limit on Merrimon Avenue!
Please consider the wishes of those that live in the area affected..."
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Kit',
'last_name' => 'Hayes',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I strongly encourage NCDOT to revisit these plans and look at safer, more practical alternatives, including a roadway using a "road diet" model',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I strongly encourage NCDOT to revisit these plans and look at safer, more practical alternatives, including a roadway using a "road diet" model
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Daniel',
'last_name' => 'Fisher',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'The current NCDOT plan is a huge step backwards in transportation thinking...We want a more connected, livable, accessible city.
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
The current NCDOT plan is a huge step backwards in transportation thinking...We want a more connected, livable, accessible city.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Jen ',
'last_name' => 'Rhode Ward',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I hope that a plan to reduce vehicle speeds, and to increase pedestrian / bike safety, will be implemented instead.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I hope that a plan to reduce vehicle speeds, and to increase pedestrian / bike safety, will be implemented instead.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'April',
'last_name' => 'Brown',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'The proposed designs must be re-evaluated...Several existing COA plans were not incorporated into NCDOT’s proposed Merrimon improvements ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
The proposed designs must be re-evaluated...Several existing COA plans were not incorporated into NCDOT’s proposed Merrimon improvements
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Stephen',
'last_name' => 'Pierson',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => '"There are mothers, fathers, children, and even grandparents walking and biking these roads, sidewalks, and crosswalks as an absolutely necessary means of transportation..."',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
"There are mothers, fathers, children, and even grandparents walking and biking these roads, sidewalks, and crosswalks as an absolutely necessary means of transportation..."
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Sarah',
'last_name' => 'Haske',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Have you ever walked down the sidewalk along Merrimon avenue? ... There is NO buffer between the sidewalk and the already speeding cars that whizz by...it is terrifying',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Have you ever walked down the sidewalk along Merrimon avenue? ... There is NO buffer between the sidewalk and the already speeding cars that whizz by...it is terrifying
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Matt',
'last_name' => 'Christie',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I\'ve spent countless hours on Merrimon Avenue commuting to job sites and homes at all hours of the day and night. I also have two young children, and enjoy biking',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I've spent countless hours on Merrimon Avenue commuting to job sites and homes at all hours of the day and night. I also have two young children, and enjoy biking
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Sarah',
'last_name' => 'Fraser',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'These types of changes to the roadway will increase traffic speeds resulting in more accidents and increased danger to pedestrians and cyclists',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
These types of changes to the roadway will increase traffic speeds resulting in more accidents and increased danger to pedestrians and cyclists
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Louise',
'last_name' => 'Anderson',
'neighborhood' => 'Norwood Park',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'To be able to speed through a stretch of several blocks doesn\'t serve either people who use the road or neighborhoods',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
To be able to speed through a stretch of several blocks doesn't serve either people who use the road or neighborhoods
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Katie',
'last_name' => 'Murray',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I live off of Fairview Rd. where two children were killed by simply trying to cross a road, and you\'re trying to clone this dangerous design for Merrimon',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I live off of Fairview Rd. where two children were killed by simply trying to cross a road, and you're trying to clone this dangerous design for Merrimon
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Andy',
'last_name' => 'McKenzie',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => '"I am the third generation in my family to live in Asheville...As a frequent cyclist, pedestrian, driver and shopper along Merrimon Avenue, I encourage you to partner with the City of Asheville..."',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
"I am the third generation in my family to live in Asheville...As a frequent cyclist, pedestrian, driver and shopper along Merrimon Avenue, I encourage you to partner with the City of Asheville..."
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Debbie',
'last_name' => 'Johnson',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '33 Sonnet Lane',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I bike to work from North Asheville to CarePartners on Sweeten Creek Rd on a majority of work days. I bike within town to errands on Merrimon Ave., and bike to social gatherings downtown...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I bike to work from North Asheville to CarePartners on Sweeten Creek Rd on a majority of work days. I bike within town to errands on Merrimon Ave., and bike to social gatherings downtown...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Reid',
'last_name' => 'Rhodes',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'The last thing we need in this town are more 4 and 5 lane roads with zero bicycle infrastructure. The list is pretty long on all the reasons that this is a poorly thought out project...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
The last thing we need in this town are more 4 and 5 lane roads with zero bicycle infrastructure. The list is pretty long on all the reasons that this is a poorly thought out project...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Alyson',
'last_name' => 'West',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'this website lays out the many reasons why https://ashevilleonbikes.com/input-needed-on-ncdot-merrimon-avenue-widening-project
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
this website lays out the many reasons why https://ashevilleonbikes.com/input-needed-on-ncdot-merrimon-avenue-widening-project
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Amelia',
'last_name' => 'Nutter',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I would hate for business owners to close their stores so that cars can drive a little faster',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I would hate for business owners to close their stores so that cars can drive a little faster
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Cisco',
'last_name' => 'Pilates',
'neighborhood' => 'Five Points',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => '"I cross Merrimon regularly on my bicycle or on foot. It is dangerous already. A pedestrian was killed not far from where I live crossing Merrimon..."',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
"I cross Merrimon regularly on my bicycle or on foot. It is dangerous already. A pedestrian was killed not far from where I live crossing Merrimon..."
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Jen',
'last_name' => 'Woodward',
'neighborhood' => 'Five Points',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'It’s apparent that NCDOT did little, if anything at all, to incorporate existing city plans or ... COA ... staff and the corridor community in the development of the current plan...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
It’s apparent that NCDOT did little, if anything at all, to incorporate existing city plans or ... COA ... staff and the corridor community in the development of the current plan...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Kari',
'last_name' => 'Richmond',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => '"I strongly prefer a dedicated bicycle lane with physical barriers against motor vehicles. We also must have wider and more frequently placed pedestrian crossings..."',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
"I strongly prefer a dedicated bicycle lane with physical barriers against motor vehicles. We also must have wider and more frequently placed pedestrian crossings..."
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Connect',
'last_name' => 'Buncombe',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'We request alternatives to the Project that would fulfill connections of our existing greenways, and provide for the safety needs of all street
users...automotive, transit, bicyclists, and pedestrians',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
We request alternatives to the Project that would fulfill connections of our existing greenways, and provide for the safety needs of all street
users...automotive, transit, bicyclists, and pedestrians
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Deborah',
'last_name' => 'Bloom',
'neighborhood' => 'Kenilworth',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I\'m dismayed...a family is being forced out of their house... an access road... passes close to the Clearview Terrace apartments and lets out on Edgewood Knoll... alternate solution been investigated?',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I'm dismayed...a family is being forced out of their house... an access road... passes close to the Clearview Terrace apartments and lets out on Edgewood Knoll... alternate solution been investigated?
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Amy',
'last_name' => 'Kemp',
'neighborhood' => 'Chestnut Hills',
'street_address' => '25 North Liberty St',
'state' => 'NC',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Residents living along or near Merrimon Ave deserve safe access to its businesses by any means they choose, whether it be car, bike, or on foot.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'zipcode' => '28801',
Residents living along or near Merrimon Ave deserve safe access to its businesses by any means they choose, whether it be car, bike, or on foot.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Rob',
'last_name' => 'Winger',
'neighborhood' => 'West Asheville Estates',
'street_address' => '112 Nebraska St',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28806',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Due to the proximity to UNCA and numerous residences, many of the people on Merrimon are not in cars. The popular Glenn\'s Creek Greenway crosses Merrimon in the plan zone, further increasing ...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Due to the proximity to UNCA and numerous residences, many of the people on Merrimon are not in cars. The popular Glenn's Creek Greenway crosses Merrimon in the plan zone, further increasing ...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Jim',
'last_name' => 'Grode',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => '"By failing to consult with the City..., by failing to consider the City’s relevant planning documents, and by failing to involve the public in a meaningful way... NCDOT has utterly failed..."',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
"By failing to consult with the City..., by failing to consider the City’s relevant planning documents, and by failing to involve the public in a meaningful way... NCDOT has utterly failed..."
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Woodward',
'neighborhood' => 'Five Points',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'The current proposed design prioritizes the movement of motor vehicles above public safety, multi-modal transportation options, neighborhood connectivity, and local economic development.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
The current proposed design prioritizes the movement of motor vehicles above public safety, multi-modal transportation options, neighborhood connectivity, and local economic development.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Carolina',
'last_name' => 'Allured',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'please remember we the people (who vote) work her, ride here, walk her shop, raise kids etc…',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
please remember we the people (who vote) work her, ride here, walk her shop, raise kids etc…
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Vann ',
'last_name' => 'Vogel',
'neighborhood' => 'Lakeview Park',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Alternative design concepts, including a “road diet” can be explored by using temporary barriers and paint, saving taxpayers millions of dollars. ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Alternative design concepts, including a “road diet” can be explored by using temporary barriers and paint, saving taxpayers millions of dollars.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Tara',
'last_name' => 'O\'Loughlin',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I am an avid biker...I have ridden this section of road as it is now and I find it a troublesome stretch of road. I have done so out of necessity, and the entire time that I am riding it...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I am an avid biker...I have ridden this section of road as it is now and I find it a troublesome stretch of road. I have done so out of necessity, and the entire time that I am riding it...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Karen',
'last_name' => 'Kennedy',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '28 Garland Dr',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'As a local resident, I am opposed to the Merrimon Avenue widening plan as it is now proposed',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
As a local resident, I am opposed to the Merrimon Avenue widening plan as it is now proposed
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Amanda',
'last_name' => 'Lavallee',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '2 Killian Lane',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I see young kids walking home ... from school. I see folks weaving from sidewalk to street on bikes, without a clear and safe route to take. I do not think encouraging more cars at a faster speed...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I see young kids walking home ... from school. I see folks weaving from sidewalk to street on bikes, without a clear and safe route to take. I do not think encouraging more cars at a faster speed...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Bridget',
'last_name' => 'Felix',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '522 Clearview Ter',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'We need to be forward thinking about this. The current plans that were presented are antiquated, irresponsible, and dangerous',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
We need to be forward thinking about this. The current plans that were presented are antiquated, irresponsible, and dangerous
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Patricia',
'last_name' => 'Robbins',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'My husband spent his 35 year career as an Urban/Transportation Planner for the NYSDOT. His specific role was to assure accommodation for cyclists and pedestrians in any engineering... ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
My husband spent his 35 year career as an Urban/Transportation Planner for the NYSDOT. His specific role was to assure accommodation for cyclists and pedestrians in any engineering...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'David',
'last_name' => 'Copley',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '65',
'city' => 'Tacoma Circle',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Car speeds are going to dramatically increase because the design speed chosen will allow a driver to feel safe at speeds higher than 40 mph. During the public meeting NCDOT confirmed that a 40 mph des',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Car speeds are going to dramatically increase because the design speed chosen will allow a driver to feel safe at speeds higher than 40 mph. During the public meeting NCDOT confirmed that a 40 mph des
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Chris',
'last_name' => 'Skoczynski',
'neighborhood' => 'Historic Montford',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'We’re going to need a plan that is pedestrian sensitive and suited to a large urban area.
Current plans do not meet this criteria',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
We’re going to need a plan that is pedestrian sensitive and suited to a large urban area.
Current plans do not meet this criteria
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Alex',
'last_name' => 'Deckard',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I worry if Merrimon is redesigned to allow faster cars more pedestrians will get hurt or even die. I\'d love to see Asheville become a pedestrian-friendly city.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I worry if Merrimon is redesigned to allow faster cars more pedestrians will get hurt or even die. I'd love to see Asheville become a pedestrian-friendly city.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Robert',
'last_name' => 'Allen',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => '"A much better option would be have one lane each direction accommodating all through traffic, add the middle turn lane, then provide plenty of shoulder room to allow cars making right-turns..."',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
"A much better option would be have one lane each direction accommodating all through traffic, add the middle turn lane, then provide plenty of shoulder room to allow cars making right-turns..."
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => '',
'last_name' => '',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Make it more bike and pedestrian friendly and there will be less traffic. Lengthen the stop lights so that more people have a chance to get across, and turn left without being hit by a car.
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Make it more bike and pedestrian friendly and there will be less traffic. Lengthen the stop lights so that more people have a chance to get across, and turn left without being hit by a car.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Martha',
'last_name' => 'Skinner',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '18 Lookout Dr',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I have a personal friend who lost her son who was walking, to a driving car. Today my daughter wanted to walk to a park. I was afraid for her and discouraged her.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I have a personal friend who lost her son who was walking, to a driving car. Today my daughter wanted to walk to a park. I was afraid for her and discouraged her.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Stephanie',
'last_name' => 'Mergelsberg',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'It seems to be in favor of motor vehicle transportation, with no regard to improving pedestrians and biker friendliness...Please consider the...Asheville in Motion and the Asheville City 2025 Plan... ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
It seems to be in favor of motor vehicle transportation, with no regard to improving pedestrians and biker friendliness...Please consider the...Asheville in Motion and the Asheville City 2025 Plan...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'David',
'last_name' => 'Novak',
'neighborhood' => 'Norwood Park',
'street_address' => '73 Woodward Ave',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => '"I am in favor of a 3-lane solution (employing a center turn lane) allowing ample space for bus turn-outs, regulation width bike lanes, and safe, set back, pedestrian sidewalks..."',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
"I am in favor of a 3-lane solution (employing a center turn lane) allowing ample space for bus turn-outs, regulation width bike lanes, and safe, set back, pedestrian sidewalks..."
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Christian',
'last_name' => 'Kaltreider',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I agree with the opposition statements made by Asheville on Bikes concerning this project',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I agree with the opposition statements made by Asheville on Bikes concerning this project
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Emily',
'last_name' => 'Muscarella',
'neighborhood' => 'West Asheville Estates',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 29, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'We want safe roads with the focus on moving all people, all modes! I strongly encourage you to listen to the voice of the Asheville community',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
We want safe roads with the focus on moving all people, all modes! I strongly encourage you to listen to the voice of the Asheville community
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Cleveland',
'neighborhood' => 'Grove Park/Sunset',
'street_address' => '31 Griffing Circle',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I drive Merrimon almost daily ... While a left turn lane at W.T. Weaver would be helpful, there is simply not the sort of congestion on Merrimon that would call for implementation of NCDOT’s proposal',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I drive Merrimon almost daily ... While a left turn lane at W.T. Weaver would be helpful, there is simply not the sort of congestion on Merrimon that would call for implementation of NCDOT’s proposal
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Angela ',
'last_name' => 'McClure',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I request that the City of Asheville and residents of N. Asheville have some say in the design and construction',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I request that the City of Asheville and residents of N. Asheville have some say in the design and construction
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'John',
'last_name' => 'Measell',
'neighborhood' => 'Grove Park/Sunset',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => '...however, NCDOT sought no input from the City ...
The proposed plan does not take into account the desire of the City to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and local residents',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
...however, NCDOT sought no input from the City ...
The proposed plan does not take into account the desire of the City to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and local residents
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Clark',
'last_name' => 'Mackey',
'neighborhood' => 'Chestnut Hills',
'street_address' => '104 North Liberty St ',
'state' => 'NC',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Please change course and listen what the City of Asheville and groups like Asheville on Bikes are saying about this corridor...There is significant demand in N. Asheville for walking and cycling',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'zipcode' => '28801',
Please change course and listen what the City of Asheville and groups like Asheville on Bikes are saying about this corridor...There is significant demand in N. Asheville for walking and cycling
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Shirley',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I agree with the findings submitted by the local organization Asheville on Bikes that the plan should be changed to increase bike and pedestrian safety and that the DOT should work with the city...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I agree with the findings submitted by the local organization Asheville on Bikes that the plan should be changed to increase bike and pedestrian safety and that the DOT should work with the city...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Nancy',
'last_name' => 'Hines',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'The meager 2\'bike lanes will also be part of the gutter! At present Lakeview Park has a poor \'walk score\' of 52. We should improve this, not decrease it.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
The meager 2'bike lanes will also be part of the gutter! At present Lakeview Park has a poor 'walk score' of 52. We should improve this, not decrease it.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Matt',
'last_name' => 'Pickett',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '55 Fenner Ave',
'city' => 'Asheville ',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'My biggest concern is that a 5-lane design does not take into account pedestrian or bicycle traffic. I bike commute to work 1-2 days per week on Merrimon Ave...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
My biggest concern is that a 5-lane design does not take into account pedestrian or bicycle traffic. I bike commute to work 1-2 days per week on Merrimon Ave...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Bill',
'last_name' => 'Helfrich',
'neighborhood' => 'Grace',
'street_address' => '40 Lakeshore Dr',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I\'ve been in the Yolo/Luella\'s parking area and the Yolo front yard along Merrimon everyday for last 18 months...This is currently one of the most family and bicycle friendly places along Merrimon...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I've been in the Yolo/Luella's parking area and the Yolo front yard along Merrimon everyday for last 18 months...This is currently one of the most family and bicycle friendly places along Merrimon...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Aimee',
'last_name' => 'Ellingsen',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'NCDOT should instead be planning for a complete street that increases safety for the many walkers and cyclists...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
NCDOT should instead be planning for a complete street that increases safety for the many walkers and cyclists...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Keaton',
'last_name' => 'Hill',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I urge the NCDOT Division 13 to follow existing NCDOT Transportation Policy regarding active transportation, including NCDOT’s Complete Street Policy and offer the public alternatives',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I urge the NCDOT Division 13 to follow existing NCDOT Transportation Policy regarding active transportation, including NCDOT’s Complete Street Policy and offer the public alternatives
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Debra',
'last_name' => 'Frasier',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '86 Fenner Ave',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Together we have an opportunity to transform this dangerous street into something beautiful, befitting it\'s central role in such a vibrant, people-rich, urban center.
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Together we have an opportunity to transform this dangerous street into something beautiful, befitting it's central role in such a vibrant, people-rich, urban center.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Jeremy',
'last_name' => 'Poore',
'neighborhood' => 'Grace',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Please consider making this road safe for bicyclists and pedestrians while increasing potential customer traffic to shops so that more businesses can thrive here. We need a ‘Complete Street’',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Please consider making this road safe for bicyclists and pedestrians while increasing potential customer traffic to shops so that more businesses can thrive here. We need a ‘Complete Street’
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Courtney',
'last_name' => 'Fincher',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Please consider rethinking this plan in favor of something more pedestrian and bike friendly.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Please consider rethinking this plan in favor of something more pedestrian and bike friendly.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Susan',
'last_name' => 'Presson',
'neighborhood' => 'Grace',
'street_address' => '78 Rosewood Ave',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 28, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'A three week comment period is NOT adequate to get community input and buy-in. As a conscientious and engaged citizen and neighbor I feel really ignored and left out of this process...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
A three week comment period is NOT adequate to get community input and buy-in. As a conscientious and engaged citizen and neighbor I feel really ignored and left out of this process...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Rich',
'last_name' => 'Owings',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 27, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Connect the Reed Creek greenway on each side of Merrimon so that greenway traffic does not have to cross Merrimon. This should be done along the creek thru an expanded box culvert',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Connect the Reed Creek greenway on each side of Merrimon so that greenway traffic does not have to cross Merrimon. This should be done along the creek thru an expanded box culvert
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Nanci',
'last_name' => 'Mackey',
'neighborhood' => 'Chestnut Hills',
'street_address' => '104 North Liberty St ',
'state' => 'NC',
'comment_date' => 'January 27, 2018',
'pullquote' => '"We would love a safe way to ride our bikes to the many wonderful local businesses just up this community road"',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
"We would love a safe way to ride our bikes to the many wonderful local businesses just up this community road"
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Nanci',
'last_name' => 'Flippin',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '29 Elias Place',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 27, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'It makes much more sense for Merrimon to be a "complete" street which provides for vehicular as well as non-motorized traffic and is much more consistent with being part of a neighborhood',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
It makes much more sense for Merrimon to be a "complete" street which provides for vehicular as well as non-motorized traffic and is much more consistent with being part of a neighborhood
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Bruce',
'last_name' => 'Emory',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '9 Sandon Circle',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 26, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Before embarking on such a major project, serious consideration should be given to a road diet for this section. A three-lane road diet would provide space for bicycle lanes in both directions...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Before embarking on such a major project, serious consideration should be given to a road diet for this section. A three-lane road diet would provide space for bicycle lanes in both directions...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Geneva',
'last_name' => 'Bierce-Wilson',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 26, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'On a separate occasion another dear friend was hit by a left turning car as he walked in the crosswalk with a walk signal. As this street is already too dangerous, the idea of widening it further...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
On a separate occasion another dear friend was hit by a left turning car as he walked in the crosswalk with a walk signal. As this street is already too dangerous, the idea of widening it further...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Michael',
'last_name' => 'Craft',
'neighborhood' => 'Kenilworth',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 25, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I’d rather spend a couple more minutes in my car at a lower rate of speed so that individuals who choose (or have to) ride a bicycle or walk can get safely to our destinations. Please help Asheville ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I’d rather spend a couple more minutes in my car at a lower rate of speed so that individuals who choose (or have to) ride a bicycle or walk can get safely to our destinations. Please help Asheville
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Eric',
'last_name' => 'Nelson',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '70 Barnard Ave',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 25, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Please, don\'t “improve” Merrimon Avenue in the fashion that is proposed. We don\'t need more cars moving faster. We need incentives to ride bikes, walk, slow down and enjoy the city',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Please, don't “improve” Merrimon Avenue in the fashion that is proposed. We don't need more cars moving faster. We need incentives to ride bikes, walk, slow down and enjoy the city
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Al ',
'last_name' => 'Schlimm',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 25, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'We have reviewed the proposed design and are extremely concerned that it will not serve the community well',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
We have reviewed the proposed design and are extremely concerned that it will not serve the community well
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Emily',
'last_name' => 'Kujawa',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 25, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I am disappointed and extremely concerned by the total lack of engagement with the City of Asheville, the lack of proposed alternatives... bicyclists effectively fending for themselves...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I am disappointed and extremely concerned by the total lack of engagement with the City of Asheville, the lack of proposed alternatives... bicyclists effectively fending for themselves...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Beach',
'last_name' => 'Hensley',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 24, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'My family of 4 and I run, bike and walk across the intersection of the Reed Creek Greenway and Merrimon Avenue at W.T. Weaver Blvd. It is dangerous...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
My family of 4 and I run, bike and walk across the intersection of the Reed Creek Greenway and Merrimon Avenue at W.T. Weaver Blvd. It is dangerous...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Heath',
'last_name' => 'Dotson',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 24, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I highly encourage you to work with the city to correct this and come up with a solution that benefits the city and it\'s residents, not just through traffic.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I highly encourage you to work with the city to correct this and come up with a solution that benefits the city and it's residents, not just through traffic.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Coalter ',
'last_name' => 'Lathrop',
'neighborhood' => 'Chestnut Hills',
'street_address' => '45 Austin Avenue',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 24, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I write as a motorist, cyclist and pedestrian who lives one block off Merrimon... I also write as a parent of two Asheville City School students who must cross Merrimon every day to access their bus',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I write as a motorist, cyclist and pedestrian who lives one block off Merrimon... I also write as a parent of two Asheville City School students who must cross Merrimon every day to access their bus
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => '',
'last_name' => '',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 24, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I\'ve been down this road before. It\'s also called Hendersonville Road, South Tunnel Road and Leicester Highway and I am NOT INTERESTED in you guys repeating those roads over here',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I've been down this road before. It's also called Hendersonville Road, South Tunnel Road and Leicester Highway and I am NOT INTERESTED in you guys repeating those roads over here
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Pamela',
'last_name' => 'Cauble',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 23, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Merrimon Avenue does not need to accommodate more cars. It needs to offer more pedestrian space and safer bicycle traffic. ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Merrimon Avenue does not need to accommodate more cars. It needs to offer more pedestrian space and safer bicycle traffic.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Mary ',
'last_name' => 'Buttitta',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 23, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I might be in favor of a plan that takes into consideration what the citizens of Asheville want, which so far have been ignored by the DOT. I might favor a plan that connects the greenway and ...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I might be in favor of a plan that takes into consideration what the citizens of Asheville want, which so far have been ignored by the DOT. I might favor a plan that connects the greenway and ...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Jamie',
'last_name' => 'Gilpin',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '174 Brookwood Rd',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28806',
'comment_date' => 'January 23, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'My father (Jim Gilpin) collaborated with Jay Swain before my father retired from the US Forest Service. He has spoken highly of Jay, and I\'m sure that Jay would be reasonable in addressing ...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
My father (Jim Gilpin) collaborated with Jay Swain before my father retired from the US Forest Service. He has spoken highly of Jay, and I'm sure that Jay would be reasonable in addressing ...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Justin',
'last_name' => 'Quinn',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 23, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I think that Merrimon has enormous potential to become an example of how improving bike and foot travel can overall improve safety, traffic, and entrepreneurship for the whole city to enjoy. ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I think that Merrimon has enormous potential to become an example of how improving bike and foot travel can overall improve safety, traffic, and entrepreneurship for the whole city to enjoy.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Wes',
'last_name' => 'Gibson',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 22, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'In Asheville, we’d love to see more complete streets being built to support our cycling and pedestrian community. These streets allow for an alleviation of the current traffic woes, while also...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
In Asheville, we’d love to see more complete streets being built to support our cycling and pedestrian community. These streets allow for an alleviation of the current traffic woes, while also...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Jeanine',
'last_name' => 'West',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 22, 2018',
'pullquote' => '...would I want to arrive to my destination of in the Beaver Lake/Woodfin area thirty seconds faster if I knew that it would cause [the loss of] someone’s life? ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
...would I want to arrive to my destination of in the Beaver Lake/Woodfin area thirty seconds faster if I knew that it would cause [the loss of] someone’s life?
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Rachel',
'last_name' => 'Herndon',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 22, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I am dismayed at the lack of safety on roads to promote inclusion of bicyclists. Even the lack of simple sidewalks for pedestrians is noteworthy.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I am dismayed at the lack of safety on roads to promote inclusion of bicyclists. Even the lack of simple sidewalks for pedestrians is noteworthy.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Jon',
'last_name' => 'Sarver',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 22, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I have lived in Asheville 28 years and I have spent lots of time traveling that section of Merriman Ave by car and bicycle. I encourage the NCDOT to work with the City of Asheville and concerned...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I have lived in Asheville 28 years and I have spent lots of time traveling that section of Merriman Ave by car and bicycle. I encourage the NCDOT to work with the City of Asheville and concerned...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Lisa',
'last_name' => 'Neylan',
'neighborhood' => 'Murdock/Linden',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 21, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I have almost been hit by cars turning left from W.T. Weaver several times. Merrimon is already dangerous enough, we do not need to increase the volume and speed of traffic.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I have almost been hit by cars turning left from W.T. Weaver several times. Merrimon is already dangerous enough, we do not need to increase the volume and speed of traffic.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'David',
'last_name' => 'Vorhees',
'neighborhood' => 'Norwood Park',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 21, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Rather than fast for some, we need the full scope of the neighborhood addressed: pedestrian, residential based, parks, greenway, bicycle friendly and safe for all.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Rather than fast for some, we need the full scope of the neighborhood addressed: pedestrian, residential based, parks, greenway, bicycle friendly and safe for all.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Jeff',
'last_name' => 'Farmer',
'neighborhood' => 'Five Points',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 20, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'This plan also doesn\'t lend itself to any of the longer term plans set aside for Merrimon Ave by the City of Asheville... please consider alternative plans',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
This plan also doesn't lend itself to any of the longer term plans set aside for Merrimon Ave by the City of Asheville... please consider alternative plans
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Chris',
'last_name' => 'Craig',
'neighborhood' => 'Kenilworth',
'street_address' => '4 Bowling Park Rd',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28803',
'comment_date' => 'January 20, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'The proposed plan would increase traffic speeds dangerously, making neighborhood pedestrian and bicycle use more difficult and less likely. ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
The proposed plan would increase traffic speeds dangerously, making neighborhood pedestrian and bicycle use more difficult and less likely.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Michele',
'last_name' => 'Dohse',
'neighborhood' => 'Five Points',
'street_address' => '66 Montview Dr',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28801',
'comment_date' => 'January 20, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I attended the public meeting on January 8 with a long list of questions, few if any of which were satisfactorily answered. I saw very little that I deemed would “enhance safety.”',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I attended the public meeting on January 8 with a long list of questions, few if any of which were satisfactorily answered. I saw very little that I deemed would “enhance safety.”
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => '',
'last_name' => '',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 18, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I do have some concerns re the Merrimon Ave Widening Project. I will list some of them here...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I do have some concerns re the Merrimon Ave Widening Project. I will list some of them here...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'George',
'last_name' => 'Celtrick',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Hendersonville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 18, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'There will be bicycles on Merimon long after the combustion engine driven car is gone...how and why we use cars is changing fast.
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
There will be bicycles on Merimon long after the combustion engine driven car is gone...how and why we use cars is changing fast.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Sam',
'last_name' => 'Yale',
'neighborhood' => 'West Asheville Estates',
'street_address' => '25 Heritage Dr',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28806',
'comment_date' => 'January 17, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'In as much as I wish I could commute more in Asheville, I am sorry to say that it is simply not safe to do so, and the Merrimon widening project, in its current proposal, is a reason why. ',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
In as much as I wish I could commute more in Asheville, I am sorry to say that it is simply not safe to do so, and the Merrimon widening project, in its current proposal, is a reason why.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Viginia',
'last_name' => 'Bower',
'neighborhood' => 'Kenilworth',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 17, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'Many bikes use Merrimon, and pedestrians use it at their own risk. Is there no concern for either of these travelers? Even though both have met fateful ends in trying to get down the avenue?',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
Many bikes use Merrimon, and pedestrians use it at their own risk. Is there no concern for either of these travelers? Even though both have met fateful ends in trying to get down the avenue?
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Nicholas',
'last_name' => 'Hasslock',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 17, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'New urban studies show that wider faster sprawl diminishes returns for the city. Diluting neighborhood culture. Cutting people off from their once walkable neighborhoods.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
New urban studies show that wider faster sprawl diminishes returns for the city. Diluting neighborhood culture. Cutting people off from their once walkable neighborhoods.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Rev Bruce',
'last_name' => 'Knoll',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 16, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I am therefor requesting ... 1) Partner with COA Department of Transportation... Asheville In Motion AIM 2) Refer to the Asheville City 2025 Plan 3) Consider the NCDOT Community Conditions Report...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I am therefor requesting ... 1) Partner with COA Department of Transportation... Asheville In Motion AIM 2) Refer to the Asheville City 2025 Plan 3) Consider the NCDOT Community Conditions Report...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Georgeanna ',
'last_name' => 'Connors',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 14, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'However, the current plans for Merrimon Ave are car-centric, short-sighted, environmentally reckless, and uninspired.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
However, the current plans for Merrimon Ave are car-centric, short-sighted, environmentally reckless, and uninspired.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Claudia',
'last_name' => 'Nix',
'neighborhood' => 'Kenilworth',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28803',
'comment_date' => 'January 13, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'The city has been recognized as a bronze level bicycle friendly community and silver level as a pedestrian friendly community. We are trying to improve these classifications',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
The city has been recognized as a bronze level bicycle friendly community and silver level as a pedestrian friendly community. We are trying to improve these classifications
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Mary',
'last_name' => 'Johnson',
'neighborhood' => 'Grove Park/Sunset',
'street_address' => '86 Kimberly Knoll Rd',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 13, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I purchased a battery assist bike with two big bike bags several years ago when living in Biltmore Forest. There is almost NOWHERE to bike safely in the city.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I purchased a battery assist bike with two big bike bags several years ago when living in Biltmore Forest. There is almost NOWHERE to bike safely in the city.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Adam',
'last_name' => 'Charnack',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 13, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'The City of Asheville is working hard to improve itself, yet it cannot do so with our commercial corridors ... devoted almost entirely to moving automobiles laterally rapidly.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
The City of Asheville is working hard to improve itself, yet it cannot do so with our commercial corridors ... devoted almost entirely to moving automobiles laterally rapidly.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Susan',
'last_name' => 'Bean',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '12 Lookout Dr',
'city' => 'Asheville ',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28804',
'comment_date' => 'January 13, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'project seems to fully ignore the city of Asheville\'s years of planning for ways the Merrimon avenue corridor could better support the needs of local travelers...safety of the greenway crossing...',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
project seems to fully ignore the city of Asheville's years of planning for ways the Merrimon avenue corridor could better support the needs of local travelers...safety of the greenway crossing...
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Brooke',
'last_name' => 'Heaton',
'neighborhood' => 'West Asheville Estates',
'street_address' => '217 Brucemont Circle',
'city' => 'Asheville',
'state' => 'NC',
'zipcode' => '28806',
'comment_date' => 'January 12, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'I am dismayed by the lack of collaboration and coordination with existing local plans',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
I am dismayed by the lack of collaboration and coordination with existing local plans
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'event_date' => '',
'first_name' => 'Eben',
'last_name' => 'Henner',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'comment_date' => 'January 12, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'More pavement and faster car speeds are not the solutions we need for our already over crowded city. ',
'for_against' => 'For',
'permission_to_publish' => false,
'city' => '',
'zipcode' => '',
More pavement and faster car speeds are not the solutions we need for our already over crowded city.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Nick',
'last_name' => 'Kroncke',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => 'January 12, 2018',
'pullquote' => 'The widening will increase motor vehicle speeds on this road and discourage active transportation, which is directly against the goals of NCDOT and the municipality.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
The widening will increase motor vehicle speeds on this road and discourage active transportation, which is directly against the goals of NCDOT and the municipality.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => 'Jennifer ',
'last_name' => 'Murphy',
'neighborhood' => 'North Asheville Community',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '28806',
'comment_date' => false,
'pullquote' => 'These changes are not designed for people, only for cars. I think they will not only endanger pedestrians and cyclists but also hurt local businesses.',
'for_against' => 'Against',
'permission_to_publish' => true,
'event_date' => '',
These changes are not designed for people, only for cars. I think they will not only endanger pedestrians and cyclists but also hurt local businesses.
Click here to read the full comment
(object) array(
'first_name' => '',
'last_name' => '',
'neighborhood' => 'null',
'street_address' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => 'null',
'zipcode' => '',
'comment_date' => false,
'pullquote' => '',
'for_against' => 'For',
'permission_to_publish' => false,
'event_date' => '',
From: Mary Fierle
Date: Fri, Jan 19, 2018 at 11:20 AM
Subject: Merrimon Avenue, A heville NC
To: kberei @hntbcom
I drive on Merrimon Avenue almo t every day It i my
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